Sunday, February 17, 2013

Obesity I am A fat cat!

  In the Major League Ichiro of the New York Yankees is called 'Hit Machine', a batter who constantly makes an infield hit, while Alex Rodriguez is such a powerful slugger as to slam a home run out of the ballpark. The difference of their styles seems to reflect that of physical strength and dietary custom between the Japanese and the Americans.
  Ichiro carries a lunch box of Japanese food such as Onigiri rice balls to the ballpark. On the contrary, Bonds' impulsive force is likely to come from high-caloric American food. In general, the Americans are bigger, stronger, and more energetic by eating much more meat and butter than the Japanese.
  However, too much is as bad as too little. It is a well-known fact that overeating high-caloric food develops obesity, which can invite many other diseases for adults.
  BMI (Body Mass Index) is a standard index to determine whether a person is fat or not. It is calculated by dividing a person's body weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. A BMI of 22 is considered ideal. 25 through 29.9 is overweight, and 30 and over is obese. According to the recent survey of the U.S government, 60% of the Americans are categorized as being overweight or obese, and yet, several million people need to lose weight by more than 45 kilograms. Therefore the American Obesity Association warns, "Obesity is a chronic disease fostered by the American lifestyle."
  However the obese people have their own say. "We don't want to be fat. It has certain causes."
  Especially the recent discovery of an obesity gene has encouraged them. If the gene inevitably causes obesity, it is reasonable to claim, "It is discrimination to criticize being fat."
  There has appeared a new movement to protect the rights of obese people. For example unemployment and deployment for the reason of obesity is now the subjects of lawsuit.
  However, who does not want to be slim at heart? The advertisements of "How to be slim" prevail on each paper or magazine, such as invitation to aerobics club, and sales promotion of slimming machines and supplements like " drinks to lose weight."
  How on earth can you lose your weight "in healthy condition"?
  The answer is obvious. You should not take more calories than you consume. "Moderate eating is better than any medication." Your hunger is the sign of your healthy condition. Do be patient with your hunger to maintain good shape.

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